Website Performance Optimization

Specialists in High Speed Website Optimization

Websites that load in less than 3 seconds convert 2x - 3x more
Search engines & ad networks reward fast sites with more impressions
Your customers enjoy a better user experience resulting in more orders
"The website is performing incredibly and I think speed could be a big part of that."
" worked miracles with our websites taking us from Page Speed scores in the mid-40's to the high 90's"
Adam Smith
CEO - Broad Oak Retail  LLC

Helping You Reach Greater Success.

with our processes that are scientifically dialled in to perfection

Slow Websites Do Not Perform. Fast Ones Can.
There can be many reasons why a website does not convert visitors into paying customers. This can be related to products, offers, time of year, global economics or 'anything' for that matter. 
One thing that does effect conversion rates: SPEED.
If you have a slow website and are looking for ways to make it faster, then you have come to the right place. 
" are cutting edge specialists in website performance optimisation, with a magnitude of tested data driven processes at our fingertips.
We guarantee high speeds and an improved user experience for your website."
"Coming from 15 professional years of digital analytics and conducting thousands of tests, our processes have been developed uniquely in-house. 
Having gained data driven insights, we know exactly what works."
Dan Wilkinson
CEO, Pagespeed OptimizedTM

Optimization Process

Our optimisation process is unique. We set a guaranteed target load time at the start of the project. This is usually under 3 seconds for Ecomm sites, and under 1.9 seconds for lead generation sites.
Why are these load timings important?

Initial Strategy Session

We want to meet you and you want to meet us. During our initial strategy call we will discuss your website and current performance in depth. We'll use data to predict the post-optimisation performance.

Website & Analytics Audit 

You will need us to fully understand how your website has been developed and how it's been performing over time. 
We'll fix any obvious performance bugs to start the program off with a good start.

Pagespeed Updates

Most of the code optimisation takes place offline in our code editors.
We avoid making optimisations to live environments as this is irresponsible.
Typically we issue between 2-6 site updates spanning a couple of weeks.

Track & Assess Success

Following each update, we want to allow time to track your website performance using Analytics with our proprietary PageSpeed Trackers.
We assess the new data after a couple of days, then we make start on the next update.

Objective Confirmed

Once we have completed our optimisations and succeeded the target load time, we ensure success correctly by tracking for a further 5 consecutive days to confirm success. 
you'll get value with no obligation to proceed with optimisations
"At, our team our team are good at making our sites load fast. But after working with PageSpeed Optimize, our site's are a whole lot faster..."
Tanner Larsson
CEO - BuildGrowScale

What We Optimize


The average Shopify website has average page load time of approx. 8 seconds. After optimisation with no design changes, the average load time is usually between 1.8 - 2.7 seconds. See why we guarantee under 3 secs...

Shopify +

From development perspective, the difference between the two platforms is the ability to optimize the Checkout pages. This allows for additional performance uptake as the checkout often contains the slowest pages on the site. 

Big Commerce

Big Commerce is more flexible in possibilities when compared with rival platforms, but is also a developer environment. This brings an additional layer of performance unpredictability with fewer restraints. After optimisation we typically expect between 1.4 - 2.2 seconds avg. page load times.

Funnels & Landers 

Often with the use of 'easy to use' page-builder platforms that anyone can use, it is normal that funnels and  contain slow loading pages. Optimisation of funnel page code allows for sharp opt-in rate increase and greater volume of sales. Depending on strategy, load timings of under 1 second are regularly achieved irrespective of design and content.


This site is built in Wordpress.
Wordpress is the most popular website build environment by far. Normally 'self-hosted' with a plethora of building options available, there are many variables to consider when performance is important.
After optimisation load times are typically approx 1-1.5 seconds.

Static & Bootstrap

As a simple rule of thumb, if the code for the pages is accessible, then we can optimise for high speed. Where this is not the case, the pages can be re-built in a faster environment. 
A static or 'hard-code' environment may be the best solution. 
Expect load times to be reported in milliseconds.
"I was pretty skeptical that 3.5 was possible on our site, and man… 1.9 seconds, you just crushed it."
Eric Shannon
Owner - Big Barker LLC

Why Under 3 Seconds Is Crucial...

And Why 2 Seconds Is Optimal... 
Success with sales and lead generation today is driven by two things. User motivation and advanced algorithms.
User Motivation
Ad Networks
With longer load times, motivation is diminished by approx 10% for every 400ms. This roughly equates to a drop in performance of 50% if the load times are 6 seconds or more when compared with 3 seconds.

When faster than 3 seconds, the opposite is true. Motivation increases by approx 10% every 200ms. If load times are 2 seconds or less, performance often increases by 50%.
When a user is motivated, they will happily convert their site session into a positive outcome like completing a purchase or opting to become a lead. Conversely, a user without motivation will not. 

One way a user loses motivation is by experiencing long page load times.

Our research shows that an interval of 3 seconds is neutral. When following a link that takes 3 seconds to load content, the user motivation in most cases will not be affected.
The search engines and social networks appreciate one factor.
Happy Users Continue To Use Their System.

The advertisers (you) are usually the primary source of revenue for the networks. Demand is high, the 'ad space' supply is low, but the networks view the user as the customer. They must maintain highest levels of user experience possible, to include websites they link to via adverts and listings. 
Enter the Relevance / Quality score systems.
Load times effect quality & relevance scores.
Load times of 3.25’s maintains these scores
Load times of over 4.50’s decrease scores considerably
Load times of under 2.80’s improves scores considerably
We’ve tested this a lot.
Each network differs, but as a rule of thumb, 3.25’s is baseline. No adjustment.
Over 4.5s = 50% fewer impressions + 50% higher CPC
Under 2.8s = 50% more impressions + 30% lower CPC
3 seconds or less is minimum entry requirement.
Copyright © 2020 Pagespeed Optimized Limited | Reg No. 08460446 | Unit 11 Mold Business Park, Wrexham Road, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XP, United Kingdom.
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